You Are A Movement
Joel 2:1-10
This is the topic and the word of the Lord for you. You are a movement.
When you understand who you are, you will never allow any lie or any gang up from the pit of hell to drain your focus and stop you from moving.
When you understand who you are from God’s perspective, it will help you to understand not to have anything to do with chaff: you will never accept what is not the will of God for you or be deceived.
There was a lion before Daniel, which was a threat to his life, but because he understood who he was from God’s perspective …you remember it was after the decree was passed that he opened the window to pray against the kings edict that no one should pray to anyone else but the idol he had set up.
You remember Shadrach who called the king by name and said we are not careful to answer you in this matter; whether God delivers us or not we will not bow down to your idol. The reason is that they knew themselves. You remember also Joseph a slave who became a prime minister in a foreign land without writing an application. When he was tempted by the Pharaoh’s wife said he will not do this wickedness against the God I know. Remember the captain of the Army who had leprosy it was a house girl who delivered him by pointing him to the man of God. It does not matter your office or position.
Every Jew values his source.
When you understand whom you are no gang-up from hell will ever dictate to God in your life. So the movement is talking about a people with unusual and a unique nature. People whose activities are in a unit talking about oneness. God is talking about a people in one accord and singleness of purpose. If you pay attention to what we read in Joel. He is talking about a people of dominion. Unstoppable people. A people of dominion, of oneness of heart and spirit and purpose. God is talking about people who are bold and fearless. So remember God is talking about you. This is what it means to be more than conquerors. This is who you are. This is your name. More than conquerors. People that cannot be stopped. A People of dominion who the enemy cannot penetrate.
When you understand who you are from Gods perspective, you will take no chaff from anybody. That is why it says knowledge is power. You must know it. You must know who you are from God’s perspective. Proverb 25 says a man of knowledge increases in strength. Then it went on to say when we faint in the day of adversity then our strength is small.
Joel says a day of darkness a season of terrible things. It’s not by accident that you exist in this generation. In this generation, you are a force, a movement with great influence. You are not a religious church.
- Focus– because you are purposeful. You know what God says you should do and how to be doing it. You must be a people of focus so you will keep to your movement. You need focus because you have a purpose. God has given you an assignment. There must not be any excuse or reason why you cannot achieve God’s purpose. It does not mean certain things will not befall us but as a movement and unique people, you know the power you wield when you dare to open your mouth to talk to God.
- Persistence: because you see beyond the veil and where you are. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him. When you see where you are going and know where God is taking you, you will refuse to be distracted by temporal setbacks. Elisha would have missed what Elijah would have transferred to him. Everybody tried to distract him but he was focused and persistent. Persistence will help you to receive that which the Lord has for you. Persistence will give you the discipline and the soldier’s discipline of endurance. It brings out the leadership in you. It will give you the discipline and a soldier’s spirit of endurance and bring out in you the discipleship and leadership nature of Christ.
Understand who God says you are. There are communities and individuals waiting for your move. They are in pains and waiting for you. That is why Romans 8:19 says the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.