Victory On My Mind
VICTORY ON MY MIND | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | October 22, 2017
You are a spirit and you have a soul. The soul is made up of three components: will mind and emotion. The mind in the soul is so powerful. If you are to fight against satan you will have to make up your mind that in this battle for victory, over whatever situation you are facing, you are not going to be the loser. I say this because the mind of an individual is actually the battlefield. If the devil has a mission to kill, to steal and to destroy the first place that he is going to begin the battle is in your mind. The devil knows that if he can have victory over your mind, to control or have dominion over it, then he has you and has control over your destiny and aspiration. If the devil has your mind he has your destiny. It doesn’t matter any other thing that you do whether you are a worker or whatever else. That is why your mind is so powerful and so important to your destiny. Why did God create the mind? It is in the mind that we imagine things. Why is it necessary for me to imagine things? The reason is because if you cannot imagine something you cannot have it. So imagination is important and your mind is your instrument of imagination. As you are seated here you can imagine what your lunch will be this afternoon. You can imagine yourself in America or how you are going to own your shop. If you cannot imagine it, you cannot have it. That is the power of the mind. Hence it is important what we feed our mind with. The devil brings negative thoughts, suggestions and ideas into our mind because he wants to create enough pressure so we can surrender to his own agenda and not to the agenda of God for our life. He brings serious pressure and harassment on our mind. The devil is the number 1 terrorist because he terrorizes the mind. All that the devil seeks is to make us surrender to his agenda which is to kill, to steal and to destroy destinies. He comes to bombard us with all sorts of suggestions in order for us to surrender control. He comes to suggest that you cannot make it, that It’s not possible…you know the family you come from…why don’t you just surrender… You are yet to see what you are seeking God for and the enemy comes to suggest that you cannot have it. He knows once the truth dominates your mind the truth will set you free.
He comes with all manners of arsenal. That’s why you hear something and you become apprehensive. The devil comes in two ways: through wrong thoughts and ideas and also he stations people to come to you with certain information that is designed to trouble your mind. When Paul says we should not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy, I see why everyday. The reason is because this our enemy…you do yourself a disservice to think the devil is not smart or does not strategize or knows you. He knows your weaknesses. The bible says he goes to and fro; he is always looking for. He is watching and waiting. He is looking for the best way to use his weapon for maximum effect. So if he is going to use people he will use someone whose views you respect. Someone close to you. Not because those people are bad in themselves but because he is looking for those who are ignorant themselves. So he looks for such people to counsel and to derail us because it is not a counsel based on the Word of God. And sometimes some of the counsel we receive from the people who give it we receive them because we feel they have a track record of success and not because we know they have walked in faith. Wisdom is not in grey hairs. The Army general’s destiny would have been aborted if he neglected the advice of the slave girl.
Sometimes we just receive counsel from people because we think they are better than us and the reason is because you feel intimidated by their status. This is why the enemy is victorious in our mind because when he has the mind he has the destiny. Your mind can make or break you. No one rises above what they are thinking. As a man thinketh in his mind so is he. Because it is with your mind you take decisions. If you imagine that you cannot make it you cannot make it. That’s how powerful the mind is. But you have to tell the devil that this battle in your mind you will not be the loser at the end of the day.
So what do you feed your mind?
Information is the food of the mind. Now if you feed the mind with wrong information, you will be filled with negativity and will not see the possibility of anything good. What you feed your mind determines the result you get in life because as a man thinketh in his mind so is he. What do you feed on?
Your mind is being fed from 2 channels
- For a born again child of God the Spirit of the Lord dwells in your spirit and when you engage in spiritual activities and feed yourself with the life that is in the word of God the Holy Spirit enlightens your spirit and communicates it to your mind. This is why your mind is important. It is not your spirit that gets the job done. Your spirit can only act based on what it is fed.
- The other source comes from all your gates: what you hear and see. Your mind is being fed from both the internal and external. If the external dominates what you receive on the inside it is the one that has the upper hand that you will manifest. If you are someone who feed his mind on Movie Magic and all manner of diabolical stories that you hear…you cannot go to bed without having the devil pursuing you in the night. So if you are being fed from evil waves that exactly is what you are going to act out. There are many Christians who thinks wisdom comes from what they say in these movies. And they rule their own life like that not knowing the enemy is the one who is planning to manipulate their life.
What are you feeding your mind with? If you are victorious in the battle of your mind it is only a matter of time before victory manifests in the physical. There is a terrorist who wants to dominate your mind with so much negativity and his agenda so that you don’t see a way out. He wants to terrorize you to the point that you say God cannot do it; and what you say in your mind that God cannot do, God will not do.
Victory is first in the mind. If you are not victorious in your mind you cannot see the victory manifest. So you must ensure you are feeding your mind with the right food. As the enemy is bringing suggestion the Holy Spirit also brings suggestion. When you get born again it is your spirit that gets born again and not your mind. What you do when you read the word and fellowship is to renew your mind. And it is your spirit now that receives the right information. SO when you get born again your spirit is still young and immature but your mind is as old as you are.So if your get born again at 30 your spirit is 1 year old while your mind is 30 years old. So of course the 30 year old will bully your 1 year old spirit. That is why you need to feed your spirit and ensure the word dwells in you richly. SO the only way out is to get your spirit well fed and well exercised.
When you are faced with trouble it is what you are fed with that will first come out. A basketballer Michael Jordan said in an interview that all the amazing moves he made like turning 360 degrees in the air were first done in his mind. So what you are seeing is what my mind is full of.
So how am I not going to conform to all those movies you watch in African Magic or the ideas given by foolish and faithless people or be influenced by negative feeds? How do you renew your mind? If you don’t renew your mind you will have to change your mind for a change. The responsibility is ours to feed our mind because the bible says Be not conformed. You feed your mind with information that comes from the word of God.
2 Corinthians 10:3 tells us we have spiritual weapons. Because they are not physical does not make them less powerful because they are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds in your mind. You must feed your mind with the Word. You have to keep feeding it because victory on the outside is the manifestation of victory on the inside. So you must first ensure you obtain that victory in your mind.
Casting down imaginations
When the devil comes with his ideas he is trying to override Gods agenda in your mind. The devil wants nothing good for any of us. He will bring people to bring bad suggestions to knock you out. Anything suggestion that is not in the word of God no matter who it is coming from is still a lie. That is why you need to know God’s word for yourself.
Whether you know it or not you are in a battle and you have to make up your mind that you are not going to lose. The devil knows that when you get blessed someone will recapture purpose more people will come to Christ and he wants to prevent that.
If your faith is shaken you cannot please God and if you cannot please God you cannot take delivery of the blessing. You have to make up your mind to gain victory first in your mind and replace all those negative mindsets and strongholds with the word of God. You will have to make up your mind to feed your mind with the word and study the word and your victory will be assured.