Seek And Ye Shall Find
SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND | Pastor Yemi | September 17, 2017
Text: Matthew 7:7-8
I thank God for what He is doing in the midst of His people. God has been dealing with us in the area of service because service is so important to God. So we need to make up your mind to serve him diligently and with all our heart. If you can’t find a department to serve create one and serve there. If you seek God you will find Him. Many people are seeking in the hope to find. But God does not want you to seek alone. But what are many people for? People are desperately looking for things outside the kingdom of God. Some are looking for power and fame others for possessions and some to conquer territories. And some of the things are being sought for outside God and that’s why they have not found. Another category of people has not found because they don’t know what they want. The more you seek outside God the more you seek and the more you want. Many people are successful in the parlance of the world but there is nothing wrong in wanting or seeking for something. But are you seeking outside God?
Many are searching for their purpose in life, asking why God Has brought them here. They are asking Why am I here? What is my purpose? And God encourages us to do that. Some are seeking positions, all manner of positions in different places. But how we go about our seeking is very important. Where we go and who we seek counsel from, who we meet or where we go to seek counsel from is vital?
In Psalm 1:3 God spoke to us about the kind of people we speak or mix with. So it is a joy not to follow in the advice of the wicked or stand around with sinners. God is saying it is not a joy to seek advice from wicked people or evil people. And evil people are people not doing the will of God or following the scriptures.
As children of God who do you consult? The bible says to seek and you will find but it is important who you seek advice from.
Amos 5:4-6 says something about seeking to the children of God. It says when you seek God something happens. Man wants so many things but God says when you seek me first you will live. So if you want to live seek God. When you’re serving God you are seeking Him. You want to know him more and say yes to His will. Seek God so you will have life and have it more abundantly.
So serving and seeking God is to be done with the whole of your heart. God does not delight in people who seek him half-heartedly. Seeking God is a continuous everyday process, you go from one level to another. It is the determined seeker who finds Him. Some people come to church and because someone says something they stop coming. The bible says God chastises those whom He loves. Like I was admonishing someone just this morning on why they come to church late.
A scripture says I will seek you early not seek you late. Seeking God early is a commitment to God. Why do we afford to come to church late when we cannot afford to get the children to school late? Ecclesiastes Remember the Lord in the days of thy youth.
If you seek Him He will be found of thee. Hosea10:12 says it is time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness upon you. You stay in the seeking until He is found. Hebrew 11:6 says something to us. It says God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. And when you do do this then you can say I sought the Lord and He answered me.
Psalm 34:4 say I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me. So there is deliverance when we seek Him. But we have to seek Him diligently consistently and early. Verse 6 of that scriptures say when you seek Him diligently you will not lack any good thing.
Psalm 119:45 says God gives liberty to those who seek Him. David says I walk about in freedom because I seek your precepts. I remember a man raking at a meat seller because the butcher had sold him meat he was not meant to eat. This man is walking in bondage. No freedom. All that we need is in God and all we need is God. That is why we must seek Him. Are you looking for treasures? He said He will open the windows of heaven and rain down treasures. As you seek Him trust Him. Just trust Him and continue to seek Him. Don’t trust in ungodly people.
So How Do We Seek Him
We seek Him in His word. You seek Him by being where the Bible is preached. Don’t get weary or tired. If you think you are tired ask God for strength. Be where the kingdom is being talked about. Expose yourself to godly meetings and fellowships.
So you seek Him by studying, memorizing and meditating on the word. You take a word of scripture and take it further and ask God to show you the meaning or what He is saying by that scripture. God is looking for people who will have an intense relationship with Him.
Colossians 2:6-10: If you have not sought Him and known Him then you will accept anything thrown at you. Those who know the God they serve and seek Him will not be led astray by empty human philosophy. Let the root of your relationship go deep down in God and draw nourishment from Him.
My prayer is that that you will not lack any good thing and be a people who continually seek Him.