Roadblocks to Prayer 2- Hidden Sin Of The Heart
Prayer is important to our life and to our walk with God. It is communication between you and your Father. We need to ensure we constantly and consistently communicate with our Father and ensure there is no disconnect.
So we cannot afford anything to break that communication. Because once that happens the branch begins to dry.
James 4:1-8
We said last week that prayerlessness is one of the roadblocks to prayer. I f you don’t pray there is nothing to be answered and nothing to be received.
We said prayerlessness is a boast against God.
Other RoadBlocks
2. Hidden Sin of The Earth
There are a lot of things that James talked about that can hinder prayer. The state of the heart determines whether God will answer your prayer. The bibe says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. Sometimes we are ourselves are deceived by our heart. So sometimes following our heart can lead to bad consequences.
Jesus said when you have to complain about someone else check yourself first. So we need to check our heart. James said if there is envy and lust in the heart we cannot receive. Why are you asking for what you friend has? Is it to prove that you can also do something?
Why was Hanna’s prayers not answered each she kept praying? It was because her heart was bitter and sorrowful. The state of her heart was wrong. The foundation of her prayer was based on what Peninah had done.
Genesis 13: 7-12
A heart filled with strife will block answers to prayer until the strife is dealt with. Our major challenge sometimes is admitting to ourselves that this is pride or envy or strife and need to deal with it. When you admit the challenge then you can confess the sin. What we do is we ask for forgiveness but do not confess our sin.
Psalm 106:32
You have been binding the devil and yet the devil refuses to be bind. Why?
Listen to the full message here.