Prepare To Happen To Life
There’s an intention in everything that the Lord does. The choice always lies with us, whether or not we are fulfilled when we are 80 or filled with regret. Take actions intentionally with the wisdom of God and see your life transform for the better. You can start by planning your day, from that, you can plan a week, a month and then set goals for a year.
God has HIS own plan for our lives. Keying into HIS divine plan for us will allow us to be the best version of ourselves, for God is a God of purpose and we must also be purposeful. Proverbs 16;3 explains how important it is to be aligned with God in our planning.
If you desire something, you must follow it with determination, knowing what to do is not enough, you must show determination.
If you desire something born of the flesh and not of the spirit, don’t expect God to back you up.
1. What Is your dream?
2. Where do you think you are right now?
3. Who do you think you are?
4. What is your vision of your true self?
5. Where do you think you are going?
6. At the end of 2030 what do you want to have accomplished?
7. What is standing between where you are right now and where you want to be? Try to identify
8. What is your strategy to bringing yourself now to yourself in 10 years?
Trust in God more than others, watch the company that you keep; there are destiny helpers and destiny killers within your midst Proverbs 30;5.
With a clear vision of where you want to be, your vision will choose for you, the company you keep.
Write down your vision and make it plain.
2nd Timothy 1;12.
Pray to God to open your eyes to HIS will for you, so that you will truly gain the ability to happen to life.
All things are possible in Christ Jesus, Amen.