How Our Fence Was Passed Over From Being Pulled Down
I want to thank God for sudden financial blessing. I pray this is the beginning of more to come. I also want to thank God for my friend who had the fence of their house spared. Some construction work on the street required that some fences would be pulled down. So my friend started praying and trusting God that their fence would not be pulled down and reminding the Lord that He said they would be passed over. So when the Workers came, they looked at the fence and decided that the measurement of the fence was okay and so the fence was spared. They jumped the fence and pulled down all the fences on the left and right of my friend’s own fence.
My friend and her husband had contributed to a building project in their church, so when she began to thank God for the fence that was spared, the Lord then reminded her of her contribution to the building project in their own church. With hindsight what they gained in the sparing of the fence is much more than what they had contributed.
Sister Tutu