God Will Surpass All Your Expectations
Sunday Service
Rev Oluyinka Ahove
Bible Verses
1 KINGS 3: 5-13
We as a people more often than not make plans based on our dreams we have that lie within the boundaries of our limitations. God says HE is able to do far more abundantly than what we can imagine for ourselves. God doesn’t want us Christians to doubt HIS ability to provide for beyond our limitations.
Many of us are limiting ourselves based on the way we think and nobody can reach a level that does not come from within His or Her mindset. When we change our mindset, we can surprise ourselves in Christ. Do not focus on the limitations that may present themselves in your life, God is a God that gives bonuses! Isiah 55: 8-9 shows that God doesn’t focus on limitation but, rather, on the levels above those limitations. God will not give you a dream that you can achieve by yourself, HE wants to give you a dream that will cause you to cry out for HIS involvement in making such a dream a reality.
God will surpass your expectations in the mighty name of JESUS! It’s not too late!
God will not just give enough to get by if you believe in Him today and change your mindset.
Stop limiting God! He is not a man that HE would lie…get ready!
1 KINGS 17 tells the story about the woman who had just enough to get by, but God was about to show Himself as the God of more than enough. As she adjusted her mindset and shared out of her ‘’just enough’’ with Elijah, God was moved and she never lacked for many a day during the famine of her land. Don’t re-write your destiny because of what life throws at you, you have to see God as beyond your limitations because one with God is the majority. ACTS 3 tells the story of a crippled man who sat at the gate of the temple, he was contented to stay there because he was expectant of the few coins that he would receive but, God set out a date for him to rise above his limitations. Peter and John passed by the man and told him “Silver or Gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Pastor E. A. Adeboye once asked God for a two-bedroom flat, God provided for His child beyond his Imagination and gave him a city (Redeem Camp). God’s plan for you is bigger than what your expectations are! He will reveal Himself to you in Jesus name!