Engaging Kingdom Courage For Supernatural Manifestation
Bible Reading: Proverb 5Message Text: Exodus 4:1-5
Are you one of those who argue with God when He demands some things from you? You argue why should I pray for the person that I know hates me. Why should I bless someone who plans evil for me?
Moses had an encounter with God. The victory that Jesus obtained for us will only manifest in our own personal victories. The victory of the kingdom that He reclaimed for us can only be manifested in our personal circumstance. So whether you know it or not there is a fight going on and you will have to get into that fight to establish that victory. Any attempt to abandon the fight or surrender is a rejection of who you are in Christ and what you are meant to be. In order words, you cannot turn your back on the fight. You don’t get into the ring see your opponent and run. You will never become who you are meant to be if you run from the fight. Many of the blessings you require will not fall into your laps. You will have to fight to take delivery. And I find among believers that we do love God and want the best of Him for our lives. Some of us even claim that we have faith in God but I have discovered that there is still something denying us of taking delivery of that blessing.
The Lord opened my eyes to see what is crucial to being successful and God said my people need to walk in Courage. You have to be courageous. You love God and believe His word concerning your situation….I am healed. I cannot be put to shame. I will be the head and not the tail…God said no weapons formed against me shall prosper…God says it is His will for me to prosper and be in good health…God has promised me progress am not supposed to experience stagnation….I am supposed to be moving higher….etc. But yet you yet to see the manifestation of all these in your life. God says it is delayed because of your lack of courage. Courage is needed if you are to take delivery of your goods or to enter into another level. Courage is needed to confront what used to confront you or attack what used to attack you. We are not talking about bravado or shouting without nothing to back it up. We are not talking natural courage because some people are naturally courageous. If you are to come into supernatural blessing you have need of supernatural courage. So we are not talking about natural courage because you cannot access spiritual victory with physical weapons.
The dictionary defines courage as a quality of mind and spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain without fear. It is a fearless confidence that you have in God that when you stand to oppose your opposition God is standing with you. When you choose to oppose the attack on your health and claim by the stripes of Jesus you are healed and you established that victory confident that Jesus will back you up, this is courage. Courage is not the absence of fear. If there is no fear there will be no need for courage. We know you are courageous only in what you confront in the presence of fear. You can quote scriptures but can you still do things when fear or what you didn’t plan for shows up in your life? The way you respond will tell us whether you are courageous or lack courage. It is not the absence of fear but in spite and regardless of fear. If God says take this route I take regardless of what I face.
Paul said I know what is waiting for me in Jerusalem but I will go. Jesus said I know crucifixion awaits me in Galilee I will still go. So if you are there and still afraid God says get rid of fear. The Bible says we have the mind of Christ. And the Mind of Christ is not a low-quality mind. Not a shouting believer without spine. In Joshua 1:8 God demanded two qualities from Joshua: that he be strong and courageous. Because you are going to divide the inheritance to the people. God will not tell Joshua to be strong and courageous if He had not detected fear in Joshua. So God knows us. He knows what we will run away from.
Pillars Of Courage
Some people are courageous but have allowed situations and circumstances to kill their courage and some other people don’t just have it.
1. Divided loyalty is the number one killer of courage. James says a double-minded man will not receive anything from the Lord. A doubled minded man is lacking in courage. what you think is your now is already God’s past. God is not trying to give you victory He has already established the victory for you and you are the one that will have to live out that victory. Your victory is already certain. The fight is already fixed in your favour. God is the one that declares what is not yet done before it is done. Isaiah 46:10. God has appointed you for victory. This is the quality of mind that every believer must have, he must know that Jesus cannot fail and the devil can never win. All you need is to align with Jesus and do what he asks you to do.
In Psalm 119:101 David says I hate those with divided loyalty.
Revelations 3:16 Jesus says you are either cold or hot but if you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth. Don’t be a Christian with divided loyalty.
2. Timidity is another killer of courage. God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind. A sound mind is a mind that recognizes that you are not of this world, that you are a kingdom citizen, an authorized agent. A mind that understands that you have been raised far above principalities and power and that you are seated in heavenly places. Timidity introduces itself when what the devil says or threatens you with is more important than what the Bible says. This is the problem with Moses when he said he couldn’t do what God wanted to do; to send him on a rescue mission to Egypt. God saw Moses as a deliverer but Moses didn’t see himself like that. The snake is the symbol of Moses fear so he ran when the rod turned into a snake and God asked him to pick it up. God was asking him to confront his fear. And the snake is the symbol of Pharaoh’s fear. So God was also asking him to confront Pharaoh who he ran from in the first place. The bear and lions that David faced when he tended sheep were not the ones that will give him access to his destiny. The bears and the lion are just training ground to confront his Goliath.
It is not how large your tongue is to speak in diverse kind of tongues or the name of your church that will deliver victory that will cause people to respect you into your hand. It is courage. If you say nobody respects you where is your victory? When they see your victory they will offer themselves willingly. The Bible says the people will be willing in the days of my power. What is confronting you that you are running from? Confront it courageously.
If Moses had not taken it by the tail he would never have known or experienced the supernatural manifestation of splitting the red sea or commanding the locust or prophesying and it coming to pass.
What really gave him that courage? Verse 4 says and the Lord said. Moses’ courage came from his obedience to instruction: And the Lord said. When you engage kingdom courage you commit God to perform His Word and He has exalted His word above His name. It was the divine instruction and the obedience to it that gave Moses courage and ultimate victory.
I release grace to you to take it by the tail.
3.Terrorism of the Law and Systems. This first intimidated Abraham and Sara and even Esther because nobody could see the king unless invited. It is only courage that can make you defy laws and systems.
4.Unbelief. In Hebrew 4:12. Paul was explaining that the Israelites could not enter into rest because of unbelief.
Courage Boosters
- Revelation Knowledge. And God said to Moses. Moses heard God. Have you received a revelation from the Lord. Revelation will boost your courage. 2 Corinthians 3:6 talks about the spirit of the word as against the letter. People are excited when they hear the word without listening out for the instruction. You can’t confront your Goliath without courage.
Obedience to Instruction. God also gave Joshua instruction in Joshua 7 - Fellowship and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. You need to get acquainted with the Holy Ghost and you do this by spending time with the Holy Ghost. Esther’s reaction to Mordecai’s instruction was by entering into a period of fasting and prayer for 3 days before she could face her fear: which is how to see the king without being summoned. Spend Quality time in the presence of God so He will build you up and you receive Courage.
In conclusion what it takes is your fearless confidence.You ask someone to do a job he says it is demeaning? You don’t know the way up is down. Your confidence must be in God. It takes courage to start from the scratch. Some people just lose it when they have to start again. Keep digging: when you dig enough you will find water.
As a Kingdom citizen, you need to know your value. And you need to know that you are necessary and that’s why Jesus brought you here. There is no expansion without courage. There is no upliftment without courage.