Dare To Believe
Joshua 3: 2-11 (Bible Reading)
Sanctify yourself, that the lord will show you wonderous things. God has a plan to keep each and everyone of us, with that, there are challenges that try to bring us down. Do not be discouraged by these hurdles in life because God has not changed HIS mind about HIS children, HE has a plan for all of us. God is not intimidated about our challenges. Be grateful to God that you are actually GOING THROUGH such challenges (continue to go through challenges with faith in the plan God has for you).
Trust completely in God who has the resurrection power, God will reveal Himself to you! All you need to do is have faith in HIS ability as the one who can kill and make alive. There are things we need to settle within our spirit; He loves us, whatsoever came into your life-I allowed it, God allowed it so He can reveal HIS glory in your life. Do not try to equate God with your mental capacity, He started the story of your life and He is responsible for the end, HIS conclusion by virtue of HIS sacrifice, is that YOU WON!
Hebrews 11; 6. Faith in Jesus requires patience and trust in HIS word for you, for the Bible says; Those who believe GOD, they do not make haste. Noah is a good example of faith in the word of GOD. As Noah was 500 years old (A common phenomenon in the bible age), he was warned by GOD of an impending doom (the flood). Noah had never seen rain before, yet he followed the instruction of the LORD and was protected from destruction a full 100 years after he w2as warned by the LORD… Dare to believe GOD, be radical with your faith in the LORD. Allow GOD to lead you to places you have not seen before.