Chosen To Excel.
Our calling in Christ is not unto conformity. As children of God, we are called to be transformers and not conformers (Romans 12: 1-2). Transformers walk and act in the perfect will of God because their minds have been renewed by the word of God. As a result, the don’t make choices based on what their environment dictates, rather, their decisions are made based on the word of God.
Seek the Kingdom of God and all the things that the gentiles seek shall be added unto you. These things (Blessings) are not gotten by our own effort, they are ADDED unto us.
The Hebrew Boys faced many pressures: They were pressured to conform, Daniel refused. Pay the price for what you want and not what will gratify-immediately, your flesh.
Make sure you’re fasting the right way. It is a time to raise up those who have been brought low. God does not ignore the sacrifice of fasting.