Out With The Old In With The New
Kingdom mentality is not a defeatist mentality but a victor and a conqueror mentality.
Kingdom mentality is not a defeatist mentality but a victor and a conqueror mentality.
ZERO TO HERO | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | November 19, 2017 Bible Reading: Proverb 8:19-end Bible Text: Judges 11:1-10 The story in our text talks about a man called Jephthah. Now the bible is the constitution by which we live just like every nation lives by a constitution. So why did God include this […]
THE ROD AND THE STAFF: INSTRUMENTS OF COMFORT | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | November 12, 2017 Bible Reading: Proverb 8 Bible Text: Psalm 23:4 Romans 8:28 David wrote this Psalm when he was having serious family issues. At the time his son Absalom was trying to dethrone him and another committed incest raping his sister. […]
The first step in times of despair and tribulation is to worship God and recognize that He is the God of comfort and mercies. You need to know what will deliver victory to you at all times. You cannot pray your way out of what you need to sow your way out of
AVOIDING DEFEAT IN THE INWARD WAR | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | October 29, 2017 Bible Reading: Proverb 6 Bible Text: Luke 22: 54-62 Last time we said man has 3 components which are spirit, soul and body and the souls has 3 components also which are mind, will and emotion. We learnt that the mind […]
VICTORY ON MY MIND | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | October 22, 2017 You are a spirit and you have a soul. The soul is made up of three components: will mind and emotion. The mind in the soul is so powerful. If you are to fight against satan you will have to make up your […]
Bible Reading: Proverb 5Message Text: Exodus 4:1-5 Are you one of those who argue with God when He demands some things from you? You argue why should I pray for the person that I know hates me. Why should I bless someone who plans evil for me? Moses had an encounter with God. The victory […]
THE DIPLOMAT | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | October 1, 2017 John 17:14-18 I will use the illustration of the diplomat to explain today’s message. In the university, we were introduced into the origin of law. We will find that many of the values of the law are actually developed from moral principles based on the […]
Commitment is what brings the best out of us and delivers the best to us. Without deep and heartfelt commitment we are led to live a life of the tail rather than being the head.
SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND | Pastor Yemi | September 17, 2017 Text: Matthew 7:7-8 I thank God for what He is doing in the midst of His people. God has been dealing with us in the area of service because service is so important to God. So we need to make up your mind to […]