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The Diplomat

THE DIPLOMAT | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove | October 1, 2017 John 17:14-18 I will use the illustration of the diplomat to explain today’s message. In the university, we were introduced into the origin of law. We will find that many of the values of the law are actually developed from moral principles based on the […]

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Can God Count On You?

Matthew 24:45-51 To offer an acceptable service your heart must be involved in it. God expects all His children to use every Gift talent or resource that He has endowed them with to serve Him. That is why service is important to God. You cannot afford to be a Christian who just consume without contributing. […]

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For His Name Sake

FOR HIS NAME SAKE | Pastor Oluyinka Ahove | August 27, 2017 Psalm 23:1-3 | Proverbs 19:21 The greatest tragedy in life many believe is death. But the most tragic thing in a man’s life is not death but living a purposeless existence. It is living and not knowing why you are alive. I always […]

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Arise In Victory

Sermon Text: 2 Kings 7:3-9 God has not planned defeat for you. When you accept that God has not planned defeat for you then your rising is sure because you will not accept defeat or surrender to the command of the enemy. Our challengea is the inability to transform what God has said into behavior. […]

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The Time Of Your Rising

This is not the time to give up hope. This is not the time to stop believing  God. This is not the time to lie down and be feeling sorry for yourself. Be not mindful of the lateness or delay you think is happening to your destiny. This is the season of arising. I see […]

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Roadblocks To Prayer – 4

ROADBLOCKS TO PRAYER Daniel 10:11-14 Unanswered prayer leads to discouragement. Thatsi why Jesus said ask me what ever you want so that I can give it to you and your joy may be full. So answered prayer brings joy and satisfaction. From ages past the effect of prayer can never be underestimated. Jabez prayed his […]