by in Testimonies

Financial Breakthrough

Last year 2017 I believed God for financial breakthrough to help me meet some needs in my life and I proclaimed it to myself that I will not enter 2018 poor or broke, I waited for salary but didn’t come and when it finally came it was half payment which demoralized me but I kept […]

by in Message Blog

From Zero To Hero

ZERO TO HERO | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove |   November 19, 2017 Bible Reading: Proverb 8:19-end Bible Text: Judges 11:1-10   The story in our text talks about a man called Jephthah. Now the bible is the constitution by which we live just like every nation lives by a constitution. So why did God include this […]

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Victory On My Mind

VICTORY ON MY MIND | Rev. Oluyinka Ahove |   October 22, 2017 You are a spirit and you have a soul. The soul is made up of three components: will mind and emotion. The mind in the soul is so powerful. If you are to fight against satan you will have to make up your […]