by in Message Blog

Chosen To Excel.

Our calling in Christ is not unto conformity. As children of God, we are called to be transformers and not conformers (Romans 12: 1-2). Transformers walk and act in the perfect will of God because their minds have been renewed by the word of God. As a result, the don’t make choices based on what […]

by in Message Blog

We Are Well Able-Part One

God is a giver and a giver of good gifts. There is no point by feeling sorry for yourself. Rather, carry the will of God and search for the answer to your questions…if only you take the time out to search His will. God has willed unto us a good land, flowing with milk and […]

by in Testimonies

Our Inheritance Restored

For thirteen years we have been on the issue of getting our inheritance due to me and my siblings. We got  a lawyer but he could not do anything for thirteen years. So I went to the Lord asking Him to be our Lawyer and the Lord came through for us. The Holy Spirit instructed […]

by in Testimonies

The Favour of God

I want to thank God for favour. My friend called me from the US recently and said she just remembered me and saw someone coming to Nigeria and decided to send me some things. She went to the store to buy some accessories and gave it to someone coming to Nigeria. She asked me to […]

by in Testimonies

Fire Disaster Averted

I want to thank God for averting a fire incident at the house recently. I smelt something burning and went to the verandah twice and the third time I noticed that it was the Meter that was actually on fire. So I removed the fuse hoping the fire would stop but it kept burning and […]

by in Testimonies

Family Feud Over

FMy dad and my brother have been having issues for about two years and I have been talking to my dad about it to forgive him and I had to share 1 Corinthians 13 :4-8 where it talks about love enduring all things and to tolerate and forgive . My brother told me that sometimes […]