by in Testimonies

Delivered From Demonic Attack

Recently i started having serious abdominal pains and i agreed with my husband to see a doctor. Before examination the doctor said i was havng cancer of the womb and that my womb has to be removed. I was quite angry and upset and told the doctor that is not my report that I believe […]

by in Testimonies

Pension Fund Recovered

I was a teacher and had taught for 25 years and during this period, the pension scheme was introduced in the school where I taught. When I moved to another school I discovered that all the deductions made from our salary were never remitted to our pension scheme. And this discovery was several years later.  […]

by in Testimonies

Divine Provision

I want to thank God for His provision. Over the last weekend I was completely cash-strapped. And I had to go on an errand for a woman of God out of Lagos. During the trp out of Lagos, I had just  Sixty naira on me. But when I got the place, the Lord said to […]