by in Testimonies

Total Freedom From Pain

Appreciate God for the freedom He gave to my family. After the operation I did last, I have been going to the hospital because of pains I have been feeling. I spoke to the Senior Pastor and she prayed to that everything my father has not planted shall be uprooted. The doctor said there was […]

by in Testimonies

New Car

I want to thank God for the opportunity that came my way recently which enabled me buy another car. The sunday before, the Senior Pastor, after anointing everyone, prophesied that we are coming back next Sunday with a testimony. I keyed into that word.I was shown a car which was for sale and I immediately […]

by in Testimonies

I Am Now Debt-Free

I needed to pay some people some money I owed and they kept calling me that I became a bit overwhelmed. I prayed and belived God to come through for me and the Lord did. Now I am completely debt-free. I also want to thank God my music career that I am making progress in […]

by in Testimonies

Bad Cut Averted

I thank God for  preventing me from having what could have been a very bad cut on my toes. I was driving down down to the Island when I started feeling some pinches on my middles toes. When i got to the office i was going, I sat in their lounge, removed my left boot […]

by in Testimonies

God Breathe Upon Me

I want to thank God for His grace to remain married for the past 20 years. I want o thank God for breathing upon me. The Holy Spirit asked me to sing to listen to the song Breathe Upon Me. So finally I got one of my children who had the song to send to […]