by in Testimonies

I Banked On Jesus

The Senior Pastor said two weeks ago when ministering that  we can bank on Jesus. And she explained how when she wanted a need to be met, she told the Lord, Am banking on you. Since that time that became my mantra to the Lord when I am in need. So one day I said […]

by in Testimonies

The Missing Fuel Tank

I want to thank God because He is always  involved in even the little things. As I left the house, I had decided that I was going to by fuel  at the usual place I buy. But then the Holy Spirit just asked me to go to another particular fuel station to buy the fuel. […]

by in Testimonies

The Anointing Works

There was a lot of negative report about my son’s writing from the school. Even though I was not happy I was not bothered or discouraged. We thought of getting him extra lessons but I told my wife to hold to allow me to pray. One morning as I was dressing up, I just heard […]

by in Testimonies

God Revitalised My Business

I want to thank God For the word coming from this ministry. My sister’s business and mine has received a revitalization. The senior Pastor gave a word that the Hand of the Lord is upon this mountain. That was Word just gave me peace.  It was as if that was the word I needed and […]